
For the last 27+ years I’ve worked as a writer, TV script writer, Operations Director, Television Producer, Special Events Coordinator, PR specialist, and Radio TV host. I also am a member of the freelance writing media, and host a weekly podcast, The Meniere’s Puzzle Podcast on Apple, Anchor, Spotify, Breaker, Radio Public, Google, Pocket Cast’s and Overcast podcasts.  

What People Say

I’ve never, and I mean never, worked with anyone with a better attitude than Kelly Jo. Just asked anyone who has been lucky enough to have Kelly pick up the phone when they call. I’ve answered the phone many times and had people ask me, “Is Kelly always this upbeat everyday?” The answer is YES! If attitude is important at your job then you should be lucky to have someone like Kelly Jo working for you. Beyond her personality she’s a tireless worker who wants nothing more than the company she works for to succeed. I can personally say I’ve never seen her have a bad day and am honored and lucky to work with Kelly Jo. – Jared Christie, Host, Destination Polaris. Production Manager Ron Schara Productions
Despite a heavy work travel schedule, Kelly Jo volunteers with the Chain of Lakes Rotary Club and co-chairs the STRIVE mentorship program (Students Taking a Renewed Interest in the Value of Education). Kelly Jo collaborated with the Centennial HS principal, counselors and Superintendent – along with the Chain of Lakes Rotarians and arranged monthly speakers for the group of 70 students. On Scholarship Night in May, she awarded 6 scholarships to STRIVE students. -Kevin Fitzpatrick, President, Fitzpatrick Translational Science, Inc.
Kelly worked for me at Ron Schara Productions and was a joy to work with. Her pleasant demeanor and infectious positive attitude are appreciated by customers and co-workers alike. Customers frequently talk about how great it is to call our company and hear her friendly voice. Kelly has great ability to juggle multiple priorities and is always willing to go the extra distance to get things done. – Mitch Petrie, VP of Programming at Outdoor Channel/Sportsman Channel 

Let’s build something together.